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Auction Lot 35221220
“CARYBÉ” HECTOR JULIO PÁRIDE CARYBÉ (Lanús, Argentina, 1911 - Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, 1997).
"Olimpic Centennial", 1992.
Lithography on paper vélin d’Arches, 270 grams, Copy 118/250.
Signed and justified by hand.
Measures: 90 x 63 cm.

Last Bid : 100
Auction complete


"CARYBÉ" HECTOR JULIO PÁRIDE CARYBÉ (Lanús, Argentina, 1911 - Salvador de Bahía, Brazil, 1997).
"Olimpic Centennial", 1992.
Lithograph on vélin d'Arches paper, 270 grams, copy 118/250.
Signed and justified by hand.
Size: 90 x 63 cm.
A multidisciplinary artist, Héctor Julio Páride Carybé excels in painting, drawing, illustration, ceramics, sculpture, mural painting and even research, history and journalism. His work is characterised by a joyful and carefree style, while still reflecting Caribbean culture, characterised by capoeira, Afro-Brazilian rituals and the nature of the Bay of El Salvador. Carybé began his artistic career by illustrating books by famous writers, and then went on to work for various newspapers, this time as an investigative journalist. His most iconic works are the murals of the Memorial de América Latina, located in the city of San Paulo, and the murals at Miami International Airport, works that crowned Carybé as an outstanding personality on the Latin American scene.


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