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Lucio Ferraris

Auction Lot 35310612
LUCIO FERRARIS (Italy, 1687-1763)
"Promta Bibliotheca".
8 volumes divided into 4 volumes.
Printed by Societatis Venetae, Rome, 1766.
Antique parchment covers.
In good condition.
Presents rust marks.
Measurements: 39.5 x 26 x 6 cm.

Estimated Value : 700 - 800 €

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LUCIO FERRARIS (Italy, 1687-1763)
"Promta Bibliotheca".
8 volumes divided into 4 volumes.
Printed by Societatis Venetae, Rome, 1766.
Antique parchment covers.
In good condition.
Presents rust marks.
Measurements: 39.5 x 26 x 6 cm.

"Prompta Bibliotheca canonica, juridica, moralis, theologica, necnon ascetica, polemica, rubricistica, historica" is an authentic encyclopedia of religious knowledge. The first edition of this work appeared in Bologna in 1746. A second edition, greatly enlarged, as well as a third, were published by the author himself. The fourth edition, dating from 1763, seems to have been published after his death. This, like those that followed, contains additions that the author made to the second edition under the title of additiones auctoris, and also other supplements (additiones ex aliena manu) inserted in their respective places in the body of the work (and no longer in the appendix as in the earlier editions). Thus, the various editions differ from one another. Some of his works have been reproduced by Migne (Paris, 1861-1863).

Lucio Ferraris was an Italian Franciscan canonist of the 18th century, born in Solero, near Alessandria, in northern Italy. He was also a professor, provincial of his order and consultor to the Holy Office.


This lot can be seen at the Setdart Barcelona Gallery located at C/Aragón, 346.


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