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Baroque cabinet of oriental manufacture, 18th century

Auction Lot 35112730
Baroque cabinet of oriental manufacture, 18th century.
Walnut wood. Filleted in fine gold.
It has a key.
Slight faults and marks of use.
It has some restorations.
Measurements: 152 x 100 x 55 cm.

Estimated Value : 2,600 - 3,000 €

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Baroque cabinet of oriental manufacture, 18th century.
Walnut wood. Filleted in fine gold.
It has a key.
Slight faults and marks of use.
It presents some restorations.
Measurements: 152 x 100 x 55 cm.
Oriental cabinet, although intended for the European market. Following the shape and moulded decoration of the baroque cabinet in its classicist aspect, this 18th century piece of furniture presents mixed influences that give it originality. Rising on cabriole legs and balled claw feet on a double-drawer waist, the piece opens with two doors that shelter two shelves. The undulating, slightly overhanging top, decorated with gilt filletwork in grooves, gives architectural inspiration to the whole. This is an oriental piece, as can be seen in the fine synthetic carving on the legs. It is worth noting that while cabriole legs were at their height in Europe in the 18th century, in China, this type of leg had been adopted since antiquity and was later adopted by the rococo style. The two drawers at the waist are moulded with gilt fillet moulding, drawing harmonious symmetries between them.


Ligeras faltas y marcas de uso. Presenta algunas restauraciones.


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