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Khotan rug; China, c. 1920.

Auction Lot 35315874
Khotan rug; China, c. 1920.
Wool and cotton.
It shows wear.
Needs cleaning.
Measurements: 267,5 x 70, 5 cm.

Estimated Value : 1,000 - 1,200 €

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Khotan rug; China, c. 1920.
Wool and cotton.
It shows wear.
Needs cleaning.
Measurements: 267.5 x 70.5 cm.
Drawing from a unique proximity to both China and Persia, Khotan rugs skillfully combine Chinese and Persian motifs and design elements in a hybrid style. Therefore, within khotan carpets you will find rich mixed palettes and a dance between hallmarks.Wool carpets were favored by the Chinese people for their softness durability and luminosity. They were mainly used to cover the benches of temples, for prayer or to hang on the walls. The colors and patterns depended on the region where they were made. Wool carpets were rarely used for the floor, where felt and matted carpets were laid, as they would have easily deteriorated due to the intense heat and high humidity during the summer.


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