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Virgin of candlestick. Spain, 20th century

Auction Lot 35245060
Virgin of candlestick. Spain, 20th century.
Wooden candlestick structure. Head and hands in polychrome resin. Various fabrics.
Measurements: 107 cm (height).

Last Bid : 500
Auction complete


Virgin of candlestick. Spain, 20th century.
Wooden candlestick structure. Head and hands in polychrome resin. Various fabrics.
Measurements: 107 cm (height).
Virgin Dolorosa, of candlestick with the head and hands of polychrome resin, dressed in luxurious cloth clothes in different colours, with decorations of golden thread. Decorated with a crown and costume jewellery.
The candlestick virgins are so called because the three pieces are assembled in a wooden candlestick, a kind of truncated cone structure on which the head sits and which allows the hands to articulate to a certain extent, as can be seen in the figure on the right. In a second stage, the work is completed by dressing the image, usually with luxurious clothing.


This lot can be seen at the Setdart Madrid Gallery located at C/Velázquez, 7.


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